Global Warming

tdomf_46f9a   November 26, 2012   Comments Off on Global Warming

I live in a city which is
known to be green,
and also clean,
but it is really green?
With the rising population
And lot of a pollution.
The rapidly growing factories
and the frequently felling of trees?
Does it helps to spend our eyas with ease?
Now listen,listen,listen
Listen to my crucial warming
To prevant global warming
If global warming increases
Our life span decreases,
Our life span increases.
It will vanish the air
And break the ozone layer……
By which we’ll be killed!
So if ypu want to be alive
and don’t want to wear
Oxygen cylinders to breath
Then please,please,please,please
Please plant trees and
prevent global warming
By acting upon this you will see
Cities would be clean and also green!